In a confined section of a psychiatric ward in Northeast China, patients of schizophrenia, mania, depression, compulsive sexual behaviour and alcohol addition receive the mandatory treatment. As soon as their heads are cleared, they try to break free but always fail. Under the control of drugs and unquestionable discipline, they begin to reflect on their souls, will, desire and thoughts.
精神病院未经警方同意不得收治正常人。“没什么荒谬是不可以忍受的” | Lens 现场。政治学、精神医学与文艺的对话与拉扯。福柯在东北。《囚》:这是一部政治电影。《囚》的笔记:嘴角要向上。凭什么正常,凭什么癫狂。。被囚禁的边缘群体。囚。《囚》: 新时代下的“囚徒困境”。