Khalni Saket///Sadeq Behbehani/
Kuwait becomes upside down for unknown reason, and someone starts to make his own wealth on this situation
Earworm/短片/瑞典语/Patrik Eklund/
Ulph (Adam Lundgren) finds himself in the hospital after being afflicted by a severe case of earworm. Rednex's unmistakable "Cotton Eye Joe" wreaks havoc on his...
//汉语普通话 Mandarin//阿云嘎/陈小春/白举纲/关晓彤/白鹿/刘雨昕/刘宇/刘敏涛/秦海璐/王耀庆/蔡文静/蔡程昱/阿如那/黄霄云/刘忻/刘大锁/姚琛/郁可唯/汪苏泷/张哲华/许嵩/周笔畅/周也/王楚然/许魏洲/王源/希林娜依·高/王一博/周深/张信哲/钟汉良/张佳宁/吉克隽逸/吴镇宇/王祖蓝/孙楠/韩东君/蔡国庆/任鲁豫/朱迅/撒贝宁/马凡舒/黄子弘凡/成泰燊/鲍天琦/王赫野/海来阿木/韩雪/单霁翔/田雨/傲日其愣/张英席/胡夏/张凯丽/曾黎/苏醒/郭涛 Tao Guo/于朦胧 Menglong Yu/尤长靖 Azora Chin/云飞 Yun Fei/吕薇/蒋勤勤 Qinqin Jiang/王劲松 Jinsong Wang/欧阳娜娜 Nana Ouyang
死亡幻觉的理论//英语/Daniel Griffith/理查德·凯利/Steven Poster/詹姆斯·杜瓦尔/Michael Andrews/肖恩·麦基特里克/艾珀尔·费里/Sam Bauer/罗伯特·V·巴伦/杰克·吉伦哈尔/吉娜·马隆
The feature-length documentary about the making of the cult film favourite, “Donnie Darko”.
Louis Aragon, a mask in Paris/短片//Sarah Maldoror/
Long Lived//泰米尔语/K. Shankar/休克·希米塔/Sowkar Janaki/玛诺拉玛/Thengai Srinivasan/V. Gopala Krishnan/Vijayakumar/Sathyaraj/Sarath Babu/Jai Ganesh/Sripriya
/短片/印地语/Noireeta Dasgupta/谢巴·查达/普里蒂·帕尼格拉希/维品·沙尔马
Caught between societal norms and an identity crisis, Lakshmikant's life takes an unexpected turn as he confronts his family about his desire to undergo gender reassignme...
The Red Mask///Tolgay Ziyal/
In Turkey, The Phantom is known as Kizil Maske, or The Red Mask, but I regret to inform you that at this time I have not been able to acquire copies of any of the three T...
///Xinyu Wang/
Everyone is often forced to wear different masks when communicating with different people or navigating different social situations. In doing so, we end up hiding away ou...
//意大利语/Antonio Morra/
Luca riceve una misteriosa telefonata dalla sua ex fidanzata che sembra una richiesta d’aiuto. Qualche giorno dopo il futuro marito di lei lo chiama avvisandolo che lei ...
//西班牙语/Miriam V. Sosa/
Alchemists of Our Times is a documentary that portrays the work of Emilio Gómez Ruiz, an artist who finds his home in high-temperature ceramics through the chemical tran...
///Margaret Kane-Rowe/
“We are what we hide” During the angst of the early pandemic in the corner of a dark underground car park, a troubled young father leaves his sleeping child alone in th...
/短片//Mark V. Reyes/Tasi Alabastro/Denis Boulankine/Vint Carmona/Antonio Forenza/Henrietta Gard/Henrietta Q. Gard/Kymberly Jenal/Khalil Jordan/Alexia Taylor Kerwick/Gregory Scott Klein/Francis Lansang/LI Sadler/Li Sadler/桑德拉·詹姆斯-扬
//英语/Jadey Duffield/Samuel Mak/Shinji Ishigaki/Kaiya Costello-Ross